Thursday, October 11, 2012

Strike Two

Interesting! Pinterest sent a different letter for the second strike.
This is to let you know that we removed another one of your Pins as a result of a copyright complaint. The content was Pinned from the following address:

(user uploaded)

This is the second copyright complaint we have received against your account pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). If you believe this Pin was removed in error, or that the copyright owner was mistaken in some respect (e.g. you contend your Pin is not an infringement, or the complaining party does not own the copyrights), you may file a counter notification by following the instructions found here.

If you do not submit a counter notification, we will assume the allegations of infringement are correct, and we will assess a second "strike" against your account. Further allegations of infringement may result in the suspension or termination of your account pursuant to Pinterest's Copyright Policy.

Thanks for your attention,

The Pinterest Team
Sounds like one more strike and I may be out! Underline is mine.


G said...

I had a couple of pinheads each pin 15 of my photos...

15 strikes or 1 strike?

In that scenario do you need to submit 15 separate DMCA takedowns for Pinterest to deliver 15 strikes?

A Glass Artist said...

Looks like DMCA on repins are treated with kid gloves, while DMCA on original pins are treated much harsher.

If these 15 pins are original pins, from the same complainant, I don't know if Pinterest counts one strike, or fifteen. I'll have to test this.

Leslie Hawes said...

At first I was ambivalent about 'striking' pinners. Then I thought, "What the heck, if the pinners don't get pulled into the fray, how will they know how difficult it is for artists/photographers to deal with pinterest?"

Chilling Effects is a most interesting website:

A Glass Artist said...

They'll never know how difficult it is for artists/photographer because Pinterest is sheltering its users from the knowledge, and they're only pretending to have a "strike system."

Leslie Hawes said...

I expect to become known as a "mean artist" for not "sharing" and "striking" the pinners. I am certain the pinners are surprised when and if they do receive a 'strike letter'.
Enough 'strikes' and maybe, just maybe, people will think twice about pinning without asking permission first, and maybe do some real research into the copyright law of 1976 (wikipedia)
I had 4 more images removed from pinterst yesterday by filling out their DMCA form. One 'pinner' of my image had 120 Boards with 20,800 pins (yes, twenty thousand). I am certain she pinned the image and thought nothing more of it. I can't imagine it was ever 're-visited' for pinspiration.

pinterest itself as an entity is totally protected from
lawsuit as per their Terms of Service. The onus falls directly onto the 'pinners' when they agree to the TOS.