Four months later, Estyans are singing a completely different tune. Etsy has fallen out of love with Pinterest.
Some excerpts:
I've tried to look at it from a business perspective and the ROI would be much too low to make it worth while. Time is money, too. Don't forget that. My time is much better spent listing.
Very few sellers admit to getting many views from there, and you're not supposed to self-promote. So yes, you get a few views, and maybe an occasional sale. But is it really worth the time? Not to me.
I get occasional views from it and repins but I mostly like it for my own personal use.
I get some views from Pinterest.
I absolutely love Pinterest, but more for personal entertainment than for sales.
Is it even really a good idea to post your items on pinterest? I vaguely remember reading that when you post something, you're saying you have the rights to it, but you're also giving the rights to pinterest to do with as they please.
I don't know if it's brought me any sales, but it's fun!
There's so much going on in there that it's stopped making sense to spend to much time with it.
Pintrest has never helped me, but I try to help sellers by having a board titled, Favorite Etsy Finds. I have noticed some of them get repinned so sure hope someone is getting sales from it!
Tried it, didn't like it. No method to their madness!
[...] don't think it helps business but I love the site.These comments are surprising given Pinterest's emphasis on recipes and crafts. One might have a reasonable expectation that the beautiful pictures taken by Etsy sellers, splayed all over Pinterest, would convert into a noticeable amount of conversions to sales. Apparently, it isn't the case.
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