Monday, May 28, 2012

Image Copyright Is A Lesser Copyright

Plagiarism of the written word is sometimes taken more seriously
than image plagiarism.
I think photographers, artists, and other intellectual property copyright owners need to catch up with this trend as well. Whether for good or ill, the internet has become a place for sharing and the free exchange of ideas. [...]With sites like Pinterest, many artists and photographers and other relatively unknown sites are getting great exposure. And isn't that the goal of an artist--to have his or her work appreciated and admired?

- "Cocopreme" in How To Use Pinterest Legally

Obviously there is a line and some people do cross it. I've had my articles copied word for word on other sites before and had to report it.

- "Cocopreme" in How To Use Pinterest Legally

I think writers need to catch up with this trend as well. Whether for good or ill, the internet has become a place for sharing and the free exchange of ideas. With sites like Tumblr, many writers and other relatively unknown sites are getting great exposure. And isn't that the goal of a writer--to have his or her work appreciated and admired?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and outright copying is just sharing free ideas.

What appears like a reasonable opinion about images sounds outrageous when applied to the written word, doesn't it?

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